Board of Directors
Brett DeVore - President
Nell DeVore - Vice President
John Morris
Angie Nelms
Bess Allen
Amy Kilbride
Tom Galbreath
Lisa Graulich
Lindsey Rosenberg
100% of the Board of Directors financially contribute to Kiddos’ Clubhouse Foundation.
Donate Today!
Donate online with our secure Click and Pledge service. We accept major credit cards and checks. To pay by check, go through the same online process to receive an invoice via email with instructions on where to mail your donation. All donations are 100 percent tax deductible.
Application Deadline
We have updated the application to use. There are four deadlines (postmarked) for the applications throughout the year:
March 31st, June 30th, September 30th, December 31st
We have been fortunate to have helped many families over the past twelve months. Some of the recipients have been families who have applied a second and third time.
A Night to Rally Hope
Kiddos’ Clubhouse Foundation’s gala, “A Night to Rally Hope” will be held on Saturday, February 12, 2022 @ 7 pm at the beautiful Golf Club of Georgia in Alpharetta, GA. Grab your dancing shoes for a fabulous evening of dinner and drinks, dancing, silent auction bidding, and fellowship with friends while supporting the Kiddos’ Clubhouse Foundation Scholarship Fund. Tickets, tables and sponsorships may be purchased by clicking here: